Packages that use JobKey | |
org.quartz | The main package of Quartz, containing the client-side interfaces. |
org.quartz.core | Contains the core classes and interfaces for the Quartz job scheduler. |
org.quartz.impl | Contains implementations of the SchedulerFactory, JobStore, ThreadPool, and other interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. |
org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore | |
org.quartz.impl.matchers | |
org.quartz.impl.triggers | This package contains Trigger implementations that ship with Quartz. |
org.quartz.listeners | |
org.quartz.simpl | Contains simple / light-weight implementations (with no dependencies on external libraries) of interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. |
org.quartz.spi | Contains Service Provider Interfaces that can be implemented by those wishing to create and use custom versions of Quartz back-end/behind-the-scenes services. |
org.quartz.xml |
Uses of JobKey in org.quartz |
Methods in org.quartz that return JobKey | |
JobKey |
JobKey |
static JobKey |
JobKey.jobKey(java.lang.String name)
static JobKey |
JobKey.jobKey(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String group)
Methods in org.quartz that return types with arguments of type JobKey | |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
Scheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Get the keys of all the
in the matching groups. |
java.util.List<Matcher<JobKey>> |
ListenerManager.getJobListenerMatchers(java.lang.String listenerName)
Get the set of Matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match. |
Methods in org.quartz with parameters of type JobKey | |
boolean |
Scheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already
exists within the scheduler. |
boolean |
Scheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
Delete the identified Job from the Scheduler - and any
associated Trigger s. |
TriggerBuilder<T> |
TriggerBuilder.forJob(JobKey jobKey)
Set the identity of the Job which should be fired by the produced Trigger. |
JobDetail |
Scheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
Get the for the Job
instance with the given key. |
java.util.List<? extends Trigger> |
Scheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
Get all s that are associated with the
identified . |
boolean |
Scheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
Request the interruption, within this Scheduler instance, of all currently executing instances of the identified Job , which
must be an implementor of the InterruptableJob interface. |
void |
SchedulerListener.jobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
Called by the when a
has been deleted. |
void |
SchedulerListener.jobPaused(JobKey jobKey)
Called by the when a
has been paused. |
void |
SchedulerListener.jobResumed(JobKey jobKey)
Called by the when a
has been un-paused. |
void |
Scheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
Pause the with the given
key - by pausing all of its current Trigger s. |
void |
Scheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Resume (un-pause) the with
the given key. |
void |
Scheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey)
Trigger the identified
(execute it now). |
void |
Scheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey,
JobDataMap data)
Trigger the identified
(execute it now). |
JobBuilder |
JobBuilder.withIdentity(JobKey key)
Use a JobKey to identify the JobDetail. |
Method parameters in org.quartz with type arguments of type JobKey | |
void |
ListenerManager.addJobListener(JobListener jobListener,
java.util.List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
Add the given to the Scheduler ,
and register it to receive events for Jobs that are matched by ANY of the
given Matchers. |
boolean |
ListenerManager.addJobListenerMatcher(java.lang.String listenerName,
Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
Add the given Matcher to the set of matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match. |
boolean |
Scheduler.deleteJobs(java.util.List<JobKey> jobKeys)
Delete the identified Job s from the Scheduler - and any
associated Trigger s. |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
Scheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Get the keys of all the
in the matching groups. |
void |
Scheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Pause all of the in the
matching groups - by pausing all of their Trigger s. |
boolean |
ListenerManager.removeJobListenerMatcher(java.lang.String listenerName,
Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
Remove the given Matcher to the set of matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match. |
void |
Scheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Resume (un-pause) all of the
in matching groups. |
boolean |
ListenerManager.setJobListenerMatchers(java.lang.String listenerName,
java.util.List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
Set the set of Matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match. |
Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.core |
Methods in org.quartz.core that return types with arguments of type JobKey | |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
QuartzScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Get the names of all the in the
matching groups. |
java.util.List<Matcher<JobKey>> |
ListenerManagerImpl.getJobListenerMatchers(java.lang.String listenerName)
Methods in org.quartz.core with parameters of type JobKey | |
boolean |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
boolean |
QuartzScheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already
exists within the scheduler. |
boolean |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
boolean |
QuartzScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
Delete the identified Job from the Scheduler - and any
associated Trigger s. |
JobDetail |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
JobDetail |
QuartzScheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
Get the for the Job
instance with the given name and group. |
java.util.List<? extends Trigger> |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
java.util.List<? extends Trigger> |
QuartzScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
Get all s that are associated with the
identified . |
boolean |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
boolean |
QuartzScheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
Interrupt all instances of the identified InterruptableJob executing in this Scheduler instance. |
void |
QuartzSchedulerMBeanImpl.jobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
void |
QuartzSchedulerMBeanImpl.jobPaused(JobKey jobKey)
void |
QuartzSchedulerMBeanImpl.jobResumed(JobKey jobKey)
void |
SchedulerSignalerImpl.notifySchedulerListenersJobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
void |
QuartzScheduler.notifySchedulerListenersJobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
void |
QuartzScheduler.notifySchedulerListenersPausedJob(JobKey key)
void |
QuartzScheduler.notifySchedulerListenersResumedJob(JobKey key)
void |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
void |
QuartzScheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
Pause the with the given
name - by pausing all of its current Trigger s. |
void |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
void |
QuartzScheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Resume (un-pause) the with
the given name. |
void |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey,
JobDataMap data)
void |
QuartzScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey,
JobDataMap data)
Trigger the identified (execute it
now) - with a non-volatile trigger. |
Method parameters in org.quartz.core with type arguments of type JobKey | |
void |
ListenerManagerImpl.addJobListener(JobListener jobListener,
java.util.List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
boolean |
ListenerManagerImpl.addJobListenerMatcher(java.lang.String listenerName,
Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
boolean |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.deleteJobs(java.util.List<JobKey> jobKeys)
boolean |
QuartzScheduler.deleteJobs(java.util.List<JobKey> jobKeys)
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
QuartzScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Get the names of all the in the
matching groups. |
void |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
void |
QuartzScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> groupMatcher)
Pause all of the in the
matching groups - by pausing all of their Trigger s. |
boolean |
ListenerManagerImpl.removeJobListenerMatcher(java.lang.String listenerName,
Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
void |
RemotableQuartzScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
void |
QuartzScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Resume (un-pause) all of the
in the matching groups. |
boolean |
ListenerManagerImpl.setJobListenerMatchers(java.lang.String listenerName,
java.util.List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.impl |
Methods in org.quartz.impl that return JobKey | |
JobKey |
Methods in org.quartz.impl that return types with arguments of type JobKey | |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
StdScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
RemoteScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
Methods in org.quartz.impl with parameters of type JobKey | |
boolean |
StdScheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
boolean |
RemoteScheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
boolean |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
boolean |
StdScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
boolean |
RemoteScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
boolean |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.deleteJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
JobDetail |
StdScheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
JobDetail |
RemoteScheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
JobDetail |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
java.util.List<? extends Trigger> |
StdScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
java.util.List<? extends Trigger> |
RemoteScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
java.util.List<Trigger> |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
boolean |
StdScheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
boolean |
RemoteScheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
boolean |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.interrupt(JobKey jobKey)
void |
StdScheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteScheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
void |
StdScheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteScheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
void |
JobDetailImpl.setKey(JobKey key)
void |
StdScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
void |
StdScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey,
JobDataMap data)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey,
JobDataMap data)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.triggerJob(JobKey jobKey,
JobDataMap data)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
Method parameters in org.quartz.impl with type arguments of type JobKey | |
boolean |
StdScheduler.deleteJobs(java.util.List<JobKey> jobKeys)
boolean |
RemoteScheduler.deleteJobs(java.util.List<JobKey> jobKeys)
boolean |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.deleteJobs(java.util.List<JobKey> jobKeys)
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
StdScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
RemoteScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
void |
StdScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
void |
StdScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler . |
void |
RemoteMBeanScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler ,
passing the SchedulingContext associated with this
instance. |
Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore |
Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore that return JobKey | |
JobKey |
JobKey |
Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore that return types with arguments of type JobKey | |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
JobStoreSupport.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Get the names of all of the s that
matcher the given groupMatcher. |
protected java.util.Set<JobKey> |
JobStoreSupport.getJobNames(java.sql.Connection conn,
GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobsInGroup(java.sql.Connection conn,
GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Select all of the jobs contained in a given group. |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
DriverDelegate.selectJobsInGroup(java.sql.Connection conn,
GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Select all of the jobs contained in a given group. |
Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore with parameters of type JobKey | |
protected java.lang.String |
JobStoreSupport.checkBlockedState(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey,
java.lang.String currentState)
Determines if a Trigger for the given job should be blocked. |
protected boolean |
JobStoreSupport.checkExists(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
boolean |
JobStoreSupport.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already
exists within the scheduler. |
int |
StdJDBCDelegate.deleteJobDetail(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Delete the job detail record for the given job. |
int |
DriverDelegate.deleteJobDetail(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Delete the job detail record for the given job. |
protected java.util.List<OperableTrigger> |
JobStoreSupport.getTriggersForJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey key)
java.util.List<OperableTrigger> |
JobStoreSupport.getTriggersForJob(JobKey jobKey)
Get all of the Triggers that are associated to the given Job. |
boolean |
StdJDBCDelegate.isJobNonConcurrent(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Check whether or not the given job is stateful. |
boolean |
DriverDelegate.isJobNonConcurrent(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Check whether or not the given job disallows concurrent execution. |
boolean |
StdJDBCDelegate.jobExists(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Check whether or not the given job exists. |
protected boolean |
JobStoreSupport.jobExists(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Check existence of a given job. |
boolean |
DriverDelegate.jobExists(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Check whether or not the given job exists. |
void |
JobStoreSupport.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
Pause the with the given name - by
pausing all of its current Trigger s. |
protected boolean |
JobStoreSupport.removeJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey,
boolean activeDeleteSafe)
boolean |
JobStoreSupport.removeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Remove (delete) the with the given
name, and any s that reference
it. |
void |
JobStoreSupport.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Resume (un-pause) the with the
given name. |
protected JobDetail |
JobStoreSupport.retrieveJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey key)
JobDetail |
JobStoreSupport.retrieveJob(JobKey jobKey)
Retrieve the for the given
. |
JobDetail |
StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobDetail(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey,
ClassLoadHelper loadHelper)
Select the JobDetail object for a given job name / group name. |
JobDetail |
DriverDelegate.selectJobDetail(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey,
ClassLoadHelper loadHelper)
Select the JobDetail object for a given job name / group name. |
int |
StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobExecutionCount(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
int |
DriverDelegate.selectJobExecutionCount(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Get the number instances of the identified job currently executing. |
int |
StdJDBCDelegate.selectNumTriggersForJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Select the number of triggers associated with a given job. |
int |
DriverDelegate.selectNumTriggersForJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Select the number of triggers associated with a given job. |
int |
DB2v6Delegate.selectNumTriggersForJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
java.util.List<TriggerKey> |
StdJDBCDelegate.selectTriggerKeysForJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Get the names of all of the triggers associated with the given job. |
java.util.List<TriggerKey> |
DriverDelegate.selectTriggerKeysForJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Get the names of all of the triggers associated with the given job. |
java.util.List<OperableTrigger> |
StdJDBCDelegate.selectTriggersForJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Select the triggers for a job |
java.util.List<OperableTrigger> |
DriverDelegate.selectTriggersForJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey)
Select the triggers for a job |
void |
TriggerStatus.setJobKey(JobKey jobKey)
void |
FiredTriggerRecord.setJobKey(JobKey key)
int |
StdJDBCDelegate.updateTriggerStatesForJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey,
java.lang.String state)
Update the states of all triggers associated with the given job. |
int |
DriverDelegate.updateTriggerStatesForJob(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey,
java.lang.String state)
Update the states of all triggers associated with the given job. |
int |
StdJDBCDelegate.updateTriggerStatesForJobFromOtherState(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey,
java.lang.String state,
java.lang.String oldState)
int |
DriverDelegate.updateTriggerStatesForJobFromOtherState(java.sql.Connection conn,
JobKey jobKey,
java.lang.String state,
java.lang.String oldState)
Update the states of any triggers associated with the given job, that are the given current state. |
Method parameters in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore with type arguments of type JobKey | |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
JobStoreSupport.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Get the names of all of the s that
matcher the given groupMatcher. |
protected java.util.Set<JobKey> |
JobStoreSupport.getJobNames(java.sql.Connection conn,
GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> |
JobStoreSupport.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Pause all of the matching the given
groupMatcher - by pausing all of their Trigger s. |
boolean |
JobStoreSupport.removeJobs(java.util.List<JobKey> jobKeys)
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> |
JobStoreSupport.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Resume (un-pause) all of the in
the given group. |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobsInGroup(java.sql.Connection conn,
GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Select all of the jobs contained in a given group. |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
DriverDelegate.selectJobsInGroup(java.sql.Connection conn,
GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Select all of the jobs contained in a given group. |
Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.impl.matchers |
Methods in org.quartz.impl.matchers that return types with arguments of type JobKey | |
static EverythingMatcher<JobKey> |
Create an EverythingMatcher that matches all jobs. |
Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.impl.triggers |
Methods in org.quartz.impl.triggers that return JobKey | |
JobKey |
Methods in org.quartz.impl.triggers with parameters of type JobKey | |
void |
AbstractTrigger.setJobKey(JobKey key)
Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.listeners |
Methods in org.quartz.listeners with parameters of type JobKey | |
void |
JobChainingJobListener.addJobChainLink(JobKey firstJob,
JobKey secondJob)
Add a chain mapping - when the Job identified by the first key completes the job identified by the second key will be triggered. |
void |
SchedulerListenerSupport.jobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
void |
BroadcastSchedulerListener.jobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
void |
SchedulerListenerSupport.jobPaused(JobKey jobKey)
void |
BroadcastSchedulerListener.jobPaused(JobKey key)
void |
SchedulerListenerSupport.jobResumed(JobKey jobKey)
void |
BroadcastSchedulerListener.jobResumed(JobKey key)
Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.simpl |
Fields in org.quartz.simpl with type parameters of type JobKey | |
protected java.util.HashSet<JobKey> |
protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.util.HashMap<JobKey,org.quartz.simpl.JobWrapper>> |
protected java.util.HashMap<JobKey,org.quartz.simpl.JobWrapper> |
Methods in org.quartz.simpl that return types with arguments of type JobKey | |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
RAMJobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Get the names of all of the s that
match the given groupMatcher. |
Methods in org.quartz.simpl with parameters of type JobKey | |
boolean |
RAMJobStore.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already
exists within the scheduler. |
java.util.List<OperableTrigger> |
RAMJobStore.getTriggersForJob(JobKey jobKey)
Get all of the Triggers that are associated to the given Job. |
protected java.util.ArrayList<org.quartz.simpl.TriggerWrapper> |
RAMJobStore.getTriggerWrappersForJob(JobKey jobKey)
void |
RAMJobStore.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
Pause the with the given
name - by pausing all of its current Trigger s. |
boolean |
RAMJobStore.removeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Remove (delete) the with the given
name, and any s that reference
it. |
void |
RAMJobStore.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Resume (un-pause) the with
the given name. |
JobDetail |
RAMJobStore.retrieveJob(JobKey jobKey)
Retrieve the for the given
. |
protected void |
RAMJobStore.setAllTriggersOfJobToState(JobKey jobKey,
int state)
Method parameters in org.quartz.simpl with type arguments of type JobKey | |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
RAMJobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Get the names of all of the s that
match the given groupMatcher. |
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
RAMJobStore.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Pause all of the in the
given group - by pausing all of their Trigger s. |
boolean |
RAMJobStore.removeJobs(java.util.List<JobKey> jobKeys)
java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> |
RAMJobStore.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Resume (un-pause) all of the
in the given group. |
Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.spi |
Methods in org.quartz.spi that return types with arguments of type JobKey | |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
JobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Get the keys of all of the s that
have the given group name. |
Methods in org.quartz.spi with parameters of type JobKey | |
boolean |
JobStore.checkExists(JobKey jobKey)
Determine whether a Job with the given identifier already
exists within the scheduler. |
java.util.List<OperableTrigger> |
JobStore.getTriggersForJob(JobKey jobKey)
Get all of the Triggers that are associated to the given Job. |
void |
SchedulerSignaler.notifySchedulerListenersJobDeleted(JobKey jobKey)
void |
JobStore.pauseJob(JobKey jobKey)
Pause the with the given name - by
pausing all of its current Trigger s. |
boolean |
JobStore.removeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Remove (delete) the with the given
key, and any s that reference
it. |
void |
JobStore.resumeJob(JobKey jobKey)
Resume (un-pause) the with the
given key. |
JobDetail |
JobStore.retrieveJob(JobKey jobKey)
Retrieve the for the given
. |
void |
MutableTrigger.setJobKey(JobKey key)
Method parameters in org.quartz.spi with type arguments of type JobKey | |
java.util.Set<JobKey> |
JobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Get the keys of all of the s that
have the given group name. |
java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> |
JobStore.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> groupMatcher)
Pause all of the in the given
group - by pausing all of their Trigger s. |
boolean |
JobStore.removeJobs(java.util.List<JobKey> jobKeys)
java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> |
JobStore.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
Resume (un-pause) all of the in
the given group. |
Uses of JobKey in org.quartz.xml |
Fields in org.quartz.xml with type parameters of type JobKey | |
protected java.util.List<JobKey> |