Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectAlreadyExistsException
org.quartz.simpl Contains simple / light-weight implementations (with no dependencies on external libraries) of interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. 
org.quartz.spi Contains Service Provider Interfaces that can be implemented by those wishing to create and use custom versions of Quartz back-end/behind-the-scenes services. 

Uses of ObjectAlreadyExistsException in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore

Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore that throw ObjectAlreadyExistsException
protected  void JobStoreSupport.storeCalendar(java.sql.Connection conn, SchedulingContext ctxt, java.lang.String calName, Calendar calendar, boolean replaceExisting, boolean updateTriggers)
 void JobStoreSupport.storeCalendar(SchedulingContext ctxt, java.lang.String calName, Calendar calendar, boolean replaceExisting, boolean updateTriggers)
           Store the given Calendar.
protected  void JobStoreSupport.storeJob(java.sql.Connection conn, SchedulingContext ctxt, JobDetail newJob, boolean replaceExisting)
           Insert or update a job.
 void JobStoreSupport.storeJob(SchedulingContext ctxt, JobDetail newJob, boolean replaceExisting)
           Store the given JobDetail.
 void JobStoreSupport.storeJobAndTrigger(SchedulingContext ctxt, JobDetail newJob, Trigger newTrigger)
           Store the given JobDetail and Trigger.
protected  void JobStoreSupport.storeTrigger(java.sql.Connection conn, SchedulingContext ctxt, Trigger newTrigger, JobDetail job, boolean replaceExisting, java.lang.String state, boolean forceState, boolean recovering)
           Insert or update a trigger.
 void JobStoreSupport.storeTrigger(SchedulingContext ctxt, Trigger newTrigger, boolean replaceExisting)
           Store the given Trigger.

Uses of ObjectAlreadyExistsException in org.quartz.simpl

Methods in org.quartz.simpl that throw ObjectAlreadyExistsException
 void RAMJobStore.storeCalendar(SchedulingContext ctxt, java.lang.String name, Calendar calendar, boolean replaceExisting, boolean updateTriggers)
           Store the given Calendar.
 void RAMJobStore.storeJob(SchedulingContext ctxt, JobDetail newJob, boolean replaceExisting)
           Store the given Job.

Uses of ObjectAlreadyExistsException in org.quartz.spi

Methods in org.quartz.spi that throw ObjectAlreadyExistsException
 void JobStore.storeCalendar(SchedulingContext ctxt, java.lang.String name, Calendar calendar, boolean replaceExisting, boolean updateTriggers)
           Store the given Calendar.
 void JobStore.storeJob(SchedulingContext ctxt, JobDetail newJob, boolean replaceExisting)
           Store the given JobDetail.
 void JobStore.storeJobAndTrigger(SchedulingContext ctxt, JobDetail newJob, Trigger newTrigger)
           Store the given JobDetail and Trigger.
 void JobStore.storeTrigger(SchedulingContext ctxt, Trigger newTrigger, boolean replaceExisting)
           Store the given Trigger.

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